Friday, May 7, 2010

Do No Miss : Convocation Day - Farewell At Last!!

Hey, it's the Farewell Party! Aah, you know it's a party before parting. Officially, they call it convocation day. Yes, soon after which friends disperse like fragrance in the air, get busy with exams and seem to be seen nowhere.

But, for that graceful day, tomorrow, dress up well, wear some pride and walk into the college, 'cause you know you'll be blessed with mementos and other honors (if you need them ;)). We'll have a brief photo session with pals, some time with cultural fest and yep, luncheon that should include your favorite delicacies too..

So people, don't miss the eve. C ya there.

Keep Smiling.......Lots of love :)

Sunday, May 2, 2010

High Schedule : Main Project Seminars / Viva On 7th May

Hey, We now know it, finally....we are talking about the main project seminar / viva dates for the utterly confused CSE final year creatures. It's been finalized and May 7 will most definitely be the judgement day. So, get your records approved and bindings done.

Do your homework, revise technology basics and learn the project, it's flow, operational nature and try to understand the SRS.

Good Luck friends.......C ya soon :)